Wednesday, June 17, 2009

12 weeks and Growing!!

This was Emma in her first few days in her one of her favorite things!

This is her today! I can't believe how big she is getting and catching up the the 'average' 12 week old baby.

What a GREAT eve before her 12 week birthday we had..... (does that make sense???? In other words, what a GREAT night we had last night!)
Emma went to bed at 5:15 and woke up when we got home around 8 (I could have gotten her to go back to sleep but I missed her while we were at dinner!) and she ate her bottle and went right back into bed. I then heard from her around 2:30 with some little whinning but decided to let her soothe herself back to sleep and she did! At 5:30 she began to cry and I gave her the paci and she slept until 6:45! It was a great night for all 3 of us and we are hoping this trend continues!! We just have to work on her staying awake to see her daddy when he comes home from work.... That is a tough one keeping her awake though!

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