Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Since We have been home!

We came home on a cold cold day! It was 7 degrees out when we left the hospital. BRRRRRR!!!!

Emma was all ready in her Big sister shirt. She had a look of shock when I walked in and then Jeff came in with Liam and she was not so sure about that. Until today (Thursday, 2/3) she has not shown interest in him. She wants to have a paci when she sees him but that is about it.

Yesterday we had some special visitors for a short visit:) Kim did not want to over do a stay as we are obviously still adjusting to Liam and Emma!

Today was the first day that she took a diaper and wanted it on Scout. I guess a dog is better then nothing. She has not taken a liking to baby dolls yet. We are a little obsessed with dogs:)

So far Liam is a great baby. He sleeps about 3-4 hours between feedings in the day. At night I wake him up around 4 hours to eat. I am hoping we are on the same route with him as we were with Emma because I had to wake her as well at night!!

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