Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Practice Makes Perfect

Emma finally decided that she need to practice rolling over to master it. She has rolled over 2-3 times in the last few weeks from her back to her stomach but this AM at 4:15 she decided would be a PERFECT time to get the perfection part. Only... she did not get to perfection.... instead she got 1/2 way there are started to scream! I went in rolled her back over, gave her the paci and Lily Mae and she went to sleep until 5:00 when she decided to try again. That is usually when we get up anyways. I love it! I get to spend from 5-7 with her before I head to work becuase she is miserable when I pick her up and just wants to go to bed. It is the mad rush hour after work... come home make food as quick as possible, get a bath, get dressed-Which she HATES at bedtime, give her a bottle and get her in bed by 5:00! I have cheated in the DR. W world and since school has started I just hold at night for a bit. It is not for her but me. She would much rather be in her bed but I just have to cuddle her because she gets so little in the daytime!
We are meeting with someone on Saturday so fingers crossed...

Here are a few after our bath tonight.... need to start taking the pictures in the AM!


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