Saturday, April 13, 2013

Pictures (to hang not of kids:)!)

We have only lived here 2.5 years but I decided it was finally time to decorate with some pictures.  I have a difficult time making decisions :)

I had done this date thing last year at some point and it hopped around from place to place.  I think it finally found its home ;)
My mom has a picture of her, my sister, my sister in law and I all on our weddings and I love it so I have wanted to do the same thing.  Finally getting around to it:)  My mom also had this picture of her parents on her wedding day and my dad's mom and dad.  I am trying to decide how do this...  In the middle we have our invitation from our wedding framed but I think I am going to put that somewhere else with just a picture from our wedding... decisions decisions:) I still have to order my picture from my wedding....  I sure know how to procrastinate)

 maybe I will get these on the wall in the next year or two;)

1 comment:

Amy said...

I especially like the car rug in the background ;)