Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Valentine's Day continued....

Showing my new Froggy from Grandma and Granpa how to play with my toys....

WOW!!! That was hard work Froggy! This is how I go to bed....

Let me see if you pass the test for bed time....
thumb... check
silky.... check
soft.... check

Sporting my new Valtine's Bow from Mema and Papa...

The storm messed up my Valentine's outfit and get the bow to me late so I will get dressed up again when I get back from Florida and act like it is Valentine's day!!

Her First Valentine's :) (it is ok because it is from her cousin!!)
Checking out her SPECIAL valentine card from Aidan (BFF's)

(loved that my heart said Text me! Hilarious that candy hearts say Text me now!!!)

HUGS and KISSES sent to Aidan via photos!!!
:( We miss you!!!! :(


Just for fun.....
Who new that Pasta Sauce was such a GREAT hair product????!!!!

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